This is an older post, from when I first started coaching and was helping people find their dream career. I no longer coach career-seekers but I do help business owners grow their business and reach higher and higher levels of success. For more details on coaching, please hop over to the Work With Me page… Thanks!
Switching careers, especially when you really don’t know what you want/where you’re meant to be, is intimidating, challenging and time-consuming. You want the kind of help that’s not candy-coated or hippie-dippy but you want to feel secure about it, the feeling that there’s a real human next to you when the training wheels come off.
Career coaching with me will help you:
– Dream, explore, discover what makes you happy and what kind of lifestyle is best for who you are
– Love your life and be proud of how you spend your time everyday
– Do amazing things with your life that will influence everyone around you
My unique offering emphasizes curiosity, a place to breathe, to fantasize and strategize what your ideal life looks like, feels like and will be like. I provide you with the tools to open up your playful side, your dreaming mind and explore what’s possible, not just what’s probable. You’ll feel pulled towards your goals rather than pushed towards them.
If you’re feeling stuck, miserable, unappreciated, unheard, unhappy, we’re going to change that immediately and then find long-term solutions you can implement long after your coaching package ends.
I’m going to be here every step of the way. When you hit a wall, I’ll be here to boost you over it. When real life gets in the way, I’ll show you a clear path around it. And then you’ll be ready to take the training wheels off and ride off into the dream.
Oh, did I mention that I’ll plant a tree if you hire me to be your career coach? (And I’ll donate 5% of proceeds to an earnest charity that you can help choose during your last session?) Creative coaching, and cleaner air – it’s a win-win!
Still not convinced? More answers:
More info:
The specific coaching packages and what’s included in each is available on the Work With Me page