Build A Million Dollar Business, Make The World A Better Place

How to reach multi-million dollar revenues, be an ideal leader & treat people better – from your own employees & customers to hungry children worldwide.

Damn It Feels Good To Be A Boss Babe!

I have a story to share with you – especially those of you who are still struggling, still signing up for every freebie you come across, still looking for the missing piece, the magic elixir that will cure your biz pains – not to gloat, but to let you know there IS a light at the end of this entrepreneurial tunnel!

What I Learned About Success From A Drunken Pirate!

There’s lessons a’plenty to be had from watching Captain Jack Sparrow succeed, fail, succeed again, fail again and persistently follow his own inner compass through one adventure after another in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.  You may be wondering what this has to do with running a successful business? Well, grab a chair & … Read more

If You Want To Make Money, You’ll Have To Get Specific

Why you need to get super specific about the RESULTS people get from working with you – to clearly state the benefits your clients will experience – instead of, “It’s going to be different for everyone I work with…”

Because your services are so well rounded that you can help with a wide range of problems/benefits, right?

If you like money and you want your biz to be successful, you’re gonna have to do better than that. Here’s how: